IAEA's Amano Oversteps His Bounds on Iran
Iranian Affairs / Iranian Affairs



According to the New York Times, IAEA head Amano has "asserted a
right" to investigate Iran's missile program because it could be related
to nuclear weapons.  He has also repeated the mantra that the IAEA
cannot verify the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program
because there could be undeclared nuclear facilities.

On the first point, he is just plain wrong.  Read the text of Iran's safeguards agreement with the IAEA,
specifically Article 19 which states that the IAEA may refer Iran to
the UN Security Council ONLY if the IAEA is "not able to verify that
there has been no diversion of nuclear material required to be
safeguarded under this Agreement, to nuclear weapons or other nuclear
explosive devices" and Article 2 which states that the purpose of the
safeguards agreement is for the "exclusive purpose of verifying
that such material is not diverted to... >>>

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