Gordon Duff: Fox News Rant: Iran Nukes Ready, Israel To Be Attacked By “Jack In The Box” Teen Terror Army
Veterans Today / Veterans Today

“Fox News uses Pentagon “Psy-ops” specialist to push for nuclear war in Middle East.  General Paul Vallely’s wild reports on impending Iranian nuclear missiles attack on Israel part of “end of days” Armageddon ploy.  Vallely claims armies of “teen terrorists” hiding in tunnels all over Israel, the “Jack-in-the-Box” army of doom.”

In a clearly “over the top” performance for PJTV, Fox News senior military analyst General Paul Vallely states that massive tunnel complexes filled with an army of Islamic teenage suicide bombers stands ready to pop out anywhere, any time, at a moments notice as part of a massive plan to rain destruction on Israel.  Known for his continual demands for invasion of Syria and Iran and his attempts to recruit militia type groups to keep watch on Islamic American citizens, Vallely has never strayed so far from reality.  Vallely describes these threats:

  • Armies of teenagers have been training for months while secret “Soviet” tunnel technology has been used to honeycomb Israel allowing “Jack in the Box” terror bombers access to every school, nursery, synagogue and coffee shop in Israel – one day this mass of raging hormones and bad skin will arise from the d... >>>
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