Shirin Alam Hooli was scheduled to be released
Freedom Messenger
14-May-2010 (one comment)

According to reports from inside Iran, Shirin Alam Hooli was close to release before she was executed.

The following is a letter received on the news:

Dear friends, I have received this news from my sources in Iran and a source inside the Revolutionary Guards.

The details of this news have been transmitted to international news agencies and you can distribute:

Shirin Alam Hooli who was executed along with four others on May 9, 2010, unlike what many believe, was scheduled to be released or have her sentence reduced.

Two years ago she went through the most severe torture at the Revolutionary Guards detention center. She was also raped many times. Later at Tehran’s Prosecutor’s Office, her mother was told to ask her daughter to keep her silence on what has happened to her. Although Shirin promised not to talk upon her release, she released a few letters from prison written in Kurdish that were signed with the word “Serkeftin,” which means victory in Kurdish. The letters made the authorities change their minds on her release.

In a session with the representative of the Tehran Prosecutor’s Office (Mortazavi at that time), Shirin Alam Hooli claimed that she was repeatedly raped and asked for prosecution of the interrogators.

Following that session, she was taken to the gallows, against the normal judicial process. According to a witness, when Shirin realized what was about to take place, she pleaded to talk to her moth... >>>

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Anonymous Observer

IRI is reverting back to the 1980's

by Anonymous Observer on

many people who were executed at that time were supposed to be released as well.