Iran caught between Brown and Green water navy
GC Report / Frederik Van Lokeren

The current Iranian Navy exists mainly out of fast
patrol boats equipped with missiles systems. This type of fleet is
suited to protect the Iranian coastal waters as well as mount quick
attacks in the limited waters of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of
Hormuz. The growth of Iranian influence throughout the Middle East has,
however, brought overseas interests to Iran, mostly concerning the
conflicts in Yemen, Somalia and Lebanon. The current Iranian Navy lacks
the capability to support these interests. Iran’s Navy of patrol boats
and dwarf submarines lacks the range necessary to operate in these
strategic areas. Apart from the Kilo class submarines and Moudge class
corvettes Iran does not possess any “Green Water” capabilities that
could support operations in these overseas areas. In order to serve
these interests, Iran will be forced to develop a Green Water navy that
is able to project Iranian power. This evolution to a Green Water navy
could however impair the current Iranian advantage over United States
naval forces in the Persian Gulf.


Iran, throughout the years, has developed a Brown Water navy based
on littoral defensive capabilities by deploying small and fast attack
boats. With this configuration the Ira... >>>

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