گزارش تصویری / کارتن خوابها در سطح شهر تهران -
22-Jun-2010 (4 comments)

Photo report from Mehr News on the state of the homeless in Iran.

recommended by Onlyiran



My little Lebanese Hezbollah buddy

by Onlyiran on

I will respond to your gibberish in a slow pace, so that your low IQ brain can understand it.  See, the U.S. is a capitalist country.  It doesn't hide that fact.  In fact, it boasts about it.  In a capitalist country, you expect to see people at the bottom of the economic pole, and homeless.  

The IRI, on the other hand, claims to be a divine system that is ruled by god's representative on earth, the Velayat Faghih.  In fact, it claims to be God's rule on Earth until the coming (or coming out) of that little kangaroo--Imam-e-Zaman--out of his hole...or well, or wherever it is that he is supposed to be.  In such a divine system, there shouldn't be any homeless, or poor, or hungry, etc...There should be equality and justice.  Hence, the whole problem of having homeless in  Iran under the IRI. 

See the problem.  Capiche now?

PS-  I didn't say anything your family--ever.  Not my style.  as far as I'm concerned, your family are all safe and sound in Nabatiyeh, South Lebanon.  So, I don't know who you're talking to...voices in your head perhaps...again?    


The $ billions in ahmadi and khamenei's swiss bank accounts

by fooladi on

should be returned to Iran and used to build all these homelss people homes to live in. Any left overs to be spent on ropes to hang the islamic regimes leadership and their few thousand supporters in front of syrian embassy in tehran, before they get a chance to join their stooges in the west & start Zer O Zer ing on IC ...


Bahoosh joon

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

I know you could not figure that out in a million years as to why I did not post such photos.

You see, from one end your mouth you keep calling Iran a third world country, backward and fanatic and from the end of your mouth you can;t keek your bottocks on the ground yelling why Iran does not have the latest and greatest be it democracy freedom, discos, bars, whore houses and so on. So which is it, I am sure your opportunist mind can't handle and resort to dillusional thinking, if that! Actually, you are an opportunist charlatan who would not pass up any means to get to your filth which is selling out Iran to whomever steps forward. You did not hold yourself but to insult me here with your sick and perverted illusions of my mother and sister and Share-no just the other day.

I do not have to state this but those who support you verbally here, are most likely made of the same stuff and background as yourself, in other words they are the same caliber.


Now, Bahoosh jan, if you think you have presented a slam dunk against me, so be it. What is expected from a smart ass such as yourself anyway?

But if it is a shame for Iran to have homeless people as a third world country, then I wonder what would it be for the US, the richest country on earth with all the bells and whistles that you keep hammering Iran with to have 3.5 million homeless? That a full percentage of the population!

Now that I am add it, I might as well throw in this statistics: 40% of US population lives bellow poverty line. That is families who make less than $18000.00 per year.

Finally, for you enjoyment, look at some homeless pictures in the US of A, a country that you never stop bragging about! So please, I suggest you leave Iran alone, it will never live up to your expectations like the US does!





By the way, continue with my spell checks! That is probably the best we can all expect from you aside from your profanity and family insults when you get stuck in the mud and are found dumb founded!


don't expect IMF to report

by Fair on

the plight of the Iranian people.  He is a Hezbollah terrorist agent with an anti Iran agenda, and his type have infected our country like a virus and are sucking it dry.
