US Economy Near Point of No Return

Keith McCullough: US Economy Near Point of No Return Friday, 13 Aug 2010 08:32 AM

By: Dan Weil

The Federal Reserve’s decision to expand its
quantitative easing by purchasing more Treasuries is a dangerous one,
says Keith McCullough, CEO of research firm Hedgeye.

“That could lead the country to the brink of collapse,” he wrote in a Fortune magazine column.

McCullough agrees with economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff, who
recently wrote that government debt in excess of 90 percent of GDP pulls
down economic growth.

“It's a point from which it's almost impossible to return,” McCullough wrote.

Government debt will reach 62 percent of GDP by Sept. 30, the Congressional Budget Office predicts.

“On July 2nd, we cut both our third quarter 2010 and full year 2011 GDP
estimates for the U.S. to 1.7 percent,” McCullough says.

“Now, even our estimate for 2011 is still too high. There will be a
downward bias to our U.S. growth estimates as long as
debt-financed-deficit-spending continues to be ... >>>

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