In Iran, Green Movement Has 'Ceased To Exist'
18-Aug-2010 (4 comments)

Reporter Jon Lee Anderson visited Iran, and spoke with members of the reform movement as well as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. His conclusion: Under intense pressure from government supporters, "the Green Movement has effectively ceased to exist as a visible political force."


Very few Western reporters have been allowed to visit Iran since last year's contested presidential elections sparked massive protests. But Jon Lee Anderson of The New Yorker recently got the opportunity to visit Tehran to interview President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and see what's become of the opposition Green Movement. He found the first both relaxed and defiant in advance of an expected visit to the U.N. General Assembly next month in New York. And the Green Movement quiescent, if not quite crushed.

Jon Lee Anderson joins us now from the studios of the BBC in London. Nice to have you back on TALK OF THE NATION.

Mr. JON LEE ANDERSON (Staff Writer, The New Yorker): Thanks, Neal. It's a pleasure to be here.

CONAN: There were moments last year with millions in the street that the Green Movement seemed, well, inexorable. Now you report - I think I'm quoting -"repression works."

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South Lebanese Chicken Little

by Fair on

Gondeh goozee is your specialty, as you are nothing without it.  That is all you can do, make a lot of noise for a bunch of hezbollahi stateless terrorists.

fe'lan your Islamic rapist republic is bending over backwards at the command of your grand ayatollah to the Chinese and North Koreans buying their crap at exorbitant prices, and ruling over a backwards economy whose main product is still CRUDE oil.  You cannot produce anything,you cannot accomplish anything, you cannot make any contribution to this planet.  All you can do is pump oil using equipment that others provided you decades ago, and brag about nothing.

Of course, such a miserable existence is totally acceptable for a parasite like yourself who has no country.  The rest of us out here are representing Iran proudly and productively, and as far as I am concerned, you and your primate friends can go f*ck yourselves big time. Iran has outlasted foreign barbarian idiots like you for thousands of years, and this time is no different.


Frustrated Fair

by on

Frankly, "In Gondeh Goozeeha Be Tu Nayomadeh"! Specially you who has as much reputation as a true patriot of Iran as a terrorist Zio-fascist does in the middle of Tel Aviv!

Iran will prevail, no matter what! But it will be without contributions of armchair generals such as you and your ilks who are best at using their fingers in typing albeit against anything good Iranian!!!

Dream on, Iran will not be a bend0over nation you wish it to be any longer. That is why you should count on staying wherever you are outside of Iran for a very long, long time to take your wishes to your grave. (Heck, if you are lucky, your wait time could be shorter than I think!).



well said rtayebi

by Fair on

Shame on those who boast how raping and torturing and executing the best and brightest of Iran has "successfully" quieted things down.  Only bivatan mozdoors like the South Lebanese mercenaries are capable of such betrayal of Iran.

Of course, anybody who thinks the dissidents and opposition in Iran has just packed up and gone home is deluding themselves, just like the Shah did then and these stateless terrorists do now.  It is this very arrogance and self delusion that will destroy them in the end.

We Iranians have withstood Alexander, the Arabs, the Mongols, and the others.  These animals will be no different, and will be "wiped of the face of the earth" or "vanish from the pages of time" (take your pick:)), and Iranians will get our country back.  Never again will be taken hostage by south lebanese and palestinian terrorists.



by rtayebi1 on

Shame on Iranians that wish for a surgical attack on Iran and shame on Iranian that R proud, and  gloat about repressing our people. They R the same NEKBAT KASSAFAT,  but just in a different teams.