US officials fail to win Turkey's support on more Iran sanctions
World Bulletin
21-Aug-2010 (3 comments)

A group of U.S officials has left Turkey empty-handed on imposing tougher sanctions on Iran's nuclear program.

The U.S. delegation failed to win the backing of their NATO-ally on imposing sanctions outside the aegis of the United Nations during meetings this week in Ankara, a senior Turkish diplomat on Friday told the Anadolu Agency.

The Turkish diplomat said the U.S. delegation from the State and the Treasury had briefed Turkish officials over details of the non-UN sanctions.

"Turkey has given the message that it did not feel itself bound to adhere to any sanctions other than those enacted by the U.N," the Turkish diplomat said.

The diplomat said the U.S. delegation was planning to visit other countries on the issue.

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by on

knows that in the long run its best interests lies with Iran, something that the Persian Gulf Arabs have not grasped yet!

US is dying super power and the real power is rising from the East. Besides, US cannot do much damage to Turkey, the US need of Turkey is much more heavier than the other way around.

Rattling Turkey will not be at all in the interest of the US, Europe and worst of all the Zio-fascists!



Children of Archbishop Makarios

by comrade on

It won't be long before the poor Cypriots start paying the price on their behalf.

"Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one's enemies."


Nader Vanaki

دم همه ترکها گرم

Nader Vanaki

ترکیه از اول تاریخش رابطه با ایران داشته و هیچ موقع کشور همسایه نمی یاد همسایه دیگر رو بفروشه.  این دولت آمریکا نمی دونه که راه ارتباط تجاری این دو کشور قابل قطع شدن نیست پس در اینجا باید گفت که "آمریکا هیج غلطی نمی تواند بکند".