Israeli education ministry approves new 'whites-only' settlement school


Several months ago, a religious school in the illegal Israeli settlement
of Immanuel was criticized for segregating white Jewish students from
non-white Jewish students in classes.

Originally, the school was fined for this policy of racial
segregation, because the school was state funded. Now, the Israeli
education ministry has agreed with the white parents' request to allow
the school to continue with its racial discrimination under private

There is no law preventing racial discrimination by private organizations, even schools, in Israel.

The Israeli court has interpreted these laws to also apply to
illegal West bank settlements, like Immanuel, which are located in areas
that are supposed to be under Palestinian control. The Palestinian
Authority does not allow racial discrimination, but due to the Israeli
military occupation of the Palestinian Territories, it has no authority
over the area in question.

74 white girls who have been studying in a building next to the
school will now be allowed to study in whites-only classrooms that are
privately funded, as their parents claim they do not want their girls to
study in racially-mixed classrooms.


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