Nuclear Renaissance or The End of Nations ?
Market Oracle / Andrew_McKillop

The Internet is a vast rumour mill and Internet-thinking can lead to paranoia and selfdelusion.
This has infected the so-called "Nuclear debate" just like the Climate debate, the
Peak oil debate, the Environment debate and other mix-and-muddle mass readership
themes generated by political and corporate elites, put through the rumour mill, and

Due to this, the real dimensions of the nuclear challenge - extending right up to removing
all remaining credibility from the notion of "the nation state" - has been sidelined and lost in
a maze of lesser conspiracy theories, like the long-running or nearly endless saga of the
Iran nuclear affair. To tweak up the hysteria level every few months, we have Bomb Iran
calls, tacky histrionics and tinsel debate, but the threat of nation states simply being no
longer defensible because of current civil nuclear proliferation and the massive plans and
programs to build new civil reactors, almost everywhere, never gets airtime.

Impassioned calls for Iran bombing are presented as the quick fix solution to nuclear
weapons proliferation. In Iran's case, this would be a Doomsday Choice spilling long-lived
radiation poisoning around the Gulf region, and further. It would also be a Doomsday
Choice in any other country with large size reactors and extensive nuclear waste stores,
uranium fuel fabricating plants and other... >>>

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