recommended by Shifteh Ansari




by AMIR1973 on

I agree. Take care.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Amir

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


These folks are of the same ilk as the West-residing Islamists who carried out 9/11 and the bombings in Madrid, London, etc.

This is what worries me. The various Western nations let these people live and operate nearly freely here. If anyone says anything they are accused of racism and so on. ACLU will defend their right to plot against America with all its resources. Then one day these lunatics will do something and innocent people get killed. We all get labeled as terrorists.  Then the right wing will go nuts with calls to punish all of us. Better to weed out the potential nuts now before anything happens than to wait until we are all sorry.


Dear VPK,

by AMIR1973 on

I really wish the West would stop providing a heaven for these Islamic apologists.

For that, you can thank the Department of Homeland Security (previously handled by the Immigration and Naturalization Service--and their equivalents in other Western countries) for allowing anti-Western Groupies of the terrorist IRI to enter the country. These folks are of the same ilk as the West-residing Islamists who carried out 9/11 and the bombings in Madrid, London, etc. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

There are some

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


really sick people on IC. One of them mocks Iranians as follows:

Oh why don't you come out and demonstrate if you don't like AN? Sure we will shoot you, rape you and torture you. But are you scared?  Well those who did come out are either dead; in jail or had to escape by leaving Iran. 

Only a truly sick person will so mock Iranians who risked and lost their life or freedom. I really wish the West would stop providing a heaven for these Islamic apologists. Rest assured the day will come when AN and VF are out of power. Then you shall see how people feel about them.


So in essence

by seamorgh on

So in essence you are saying people in Iran are cowards and do not have the courage to stand up for and say what they believe. I, on the other hand, remember both the revolution, when people were getting killed in dozens and still would not give up and the Iran-Iraq war, when even nerve agents given to Saddam by your masters could not stop the Iranians. I cannot imagine that these same people have become such cowards that they could be cowed so easily. For God’s sake, stop being so insulting to your people.

Sargord Pirouz

Transcript of

by Sargord Pirouz on

Transcript of speech:


I think his 9/11 comments were out there, but there were a number of points he made that were valid.

And, some of the social references I found tedious, which is no surprise.

Mahmoud is Mahmoud, that's for sure. He sure gets a lot of attention these days. And much of the MSM's reporting is so skewed, it's really gotten ridiculous. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Seamorgh. What part of being shot; raped; stoned or hung of a crane do you not understand? In Iran if you say the wrong thing you get executed by your VF and your "President". Of course the polls are wrong. Only a total moron would take those polls seriously.

AN is a traitor not just to Iran but the whole world. I like to see him rot in jail with his VF in the next cell. The elections are fraud by definition. They openly disqualify anyone they do not like then call that an election. They can take turns raping each other since that is the only thing they do well. Only people allowed to run are ones that VF and his gang of criminals approve of. This is not a guess it is a FACT. Of course to expect and IRI apologist and Islamist like you to understand facts is too much. 

Why do you Islamists have to make total fools out of yourselves at every chance? No wonder the world despises Islam. I am sorry I agreed to your first comment. It is clear that you are totally unreasonable and not worthy of a discussion. I am done with you.


When did...

by seamorgh on

When did IRI ever say Arab did not commit 9/11? It is obvious that you have not been to Iran for a VERY long time. Its time for you to call up your family members and ask them who they think did 9/11. By the way, so elections are not Valid, polls are not valid, but your uneducated guesses about 70 million are? Give me a break. 

Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

I re-post my comment on the other thread, addressed to Seamorgh, here as the two are related:


Is it about what Iranian people think, then?
What about a majority of Iranians who did not think they could take Mahmoud Ahmadinejad anymore, voted against him, and were defrauded of their votes? What about the Iranians who thought they should protest this injustice and took to peaceful protests and were arrested, beaten, tortured, maimed, murdered, deprived of their social rights, and harrassed en masse?

While many people in the world may have questions about 9/11, why in the world would the president of Iran, who has managed to put Iran in harm's way with his earlier remarks be looking for brand new topoics of discussion?

If you were to take a poll today, I bet 100% of Iranian people would not want this joker to talk about 9/11 at the UN. They would want him to do whatever it takes to put them out of the harm's way, to ensure their security, to bring Iran back into the world community so that they might prosper as a nation.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a traitor to Iran and Iranians. He wants nothing more than to provoke the world into attacking Iran, hoping that this would strengthen IRI's quickly disappearing grip on power in Iran.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I try to be fair and agreed with your first remark.

But I totally disagree with your remark about AN representing the majority of Iranian opinion. IRI is a dictatorship and the elections are both unfair and fraudulent.Plus IRI is a military dictatorship and polls there are not valid. No one in their right mind will tell the pollsters they disagree with the government. People are worried if they say the wrong thing the end up being shot by the IRI. So do not tell me about opinion polls. Gallup was wasting its time and its money.




by Shepesh on



Like it or not

by seamorgh on

he IS representing and expressing the opinion of the Majority of Iranians. Look at this Gallup poll taken after 9/11. When asked "According to news reports, groups of Arabs carried out the attacks against the USA on September 11. Do you believe this to be true or not?" only 15% of Iranians thought it Was true while 59% thought that it was not True.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The reason for this intolerance is that politicians like being childish and acting like jerks. Both Eastern and Western leaders take pride in acting like spoilt brats. In particular in America politicians feel they need to act like jerks so they look as if they are "tough". If my kids acted like these politicians they would get a timeout and no dessert :-)


For Gods sake

by seamorgh on

Why such intolerance for alternative views. Iran sat through the speech of Obama, with which they most obviously disagreed. By walking out, the US and Western delegates showed that they cannot tolerate alternative views...