The Impending Collapse of Israel in Palestine
Information Clearing House / Francis Boyle
02-Oct-2010 (one comment)

After twenty-two years of getting nowhere but further screwed to Israel’s apartheid wall on the West Bank and strangulated in Gaza, it is now time for the Palestinians to adopt a new strategy, which I most respectfully recommend here for them to consider:  Sign nothing and let Israel collapse!   Recently it was reported that the United States’ own Central Intelligence Agency predicted the collapse of Israel within twenty years.  My most respectful advice to the Palestinians is to let Israel so collapse!

recommended by Afshin Ehsanpour



I second Mr. Doyle's proposal!

by on

"After twenty-two years of getting nowhere but further screwed to
Israel’s apartheid wall on the West Bank and strangulated in Gaza, it is
now time for the Palestinians to adopt a new strategy, which I most
respectfully recommend here for them to consider:  Sign nothing and let
Israel collapse!   Recently it was reported that the United States’ own
Central Intelligence Agency predicted the collapse of Israel within
twenty years.  My most respectful advice to the Palestinians is to let
Israel so collapse!"

"Indeed, from the very moment of its inception as a direct result of the
Zionists’ genocidal al Nakba in 1948, Israel has been the proverbial
failed state, and still is so today.  Israel would have never come into
existence without the support of Western colonial imperial powers
throughout the twentieth century. And the same is true today.  Without
the political, economic, diplomatic, and military support provided
primarily by the United States, and to a lesser extent by Britain,
France, and Germany, Israel would immediately collapse. The
international Campaign for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (B.D.S.)
against Israel is quickly whittling away Israel’s domestic support in
those countries.  Israel’s own serial barbarous atrocities perpetrated
against the Palestinians and the Lebanese have revealed the true face of
Zionism for the entire world to see: genocide."



The above sums it up so clearly!

