WikiLeaks Iraq War Logs Show Indiscriminate Prisoner Abuse, Civilian Killings
Neon Tommy / Paresh Dave, Mary Slosson

A release of 400,000 classified documents from the Iraq War
revealed private contractors fired and killed hundreds of civlians,
Iraqi security forces abused scores of prisoners and foreign nations
become involved with the counterinsurgency.

The online whistleblowing site Wikileaks made the documents, covering
a period of six years early in the war, available Friday. They include
damning reports of prisoner abuse that extend beyond the revelations of
abuse at Abu Ghraib.  In one instance, a leaked document describes
instances of Iraqi soldiers urinating, jumping on, and spitting upon a
detainee.  The report illustrates that United States forces condoned
such behavior; it is written that, "due to no allegation or evidence of US involvement, a US investigation is not being initiated."

Other instances of prisoner abuse, including electric shock, sodomy, >>>

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