تصمیم ناگهانی وزیر بهداشت در انحلال دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران
Khabar Online
30-Oct-2010 (3 comments)

به گزارش خبرنگار بهداشت و درمان خبرگزاری دانشجویان ایران (ایسنا) دکتر مرضیه وحید دستجردی در حاشیه دیدار با مسوولان بهداشتی کنیا اظهار کرد: پیرو ابلاغیه معاونت نیروی انسانی ریاست جمهوری، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران با دو دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران و شهید بهشتی ادغام شد.


IUMS has been merged with TUMS!

by Fesenjoon on

I cant think of any other reason other than to enhance the rank of (Iran's premier university) Tehran University in global rankings, which is doing not so good.

i.e. a political move designed to bolster Iran's apparent scientific standing.



nagoo baba, nagoo

by Fesenjoon on

Kamran Daneshjoo is a moron.

I still cant believe he forcibly removed Yosef Sobuti from IASBS, Zanjan.



more assault on higher education in Iran

by Fair on

Since the forced undemocratic rise of Ahmadinejad, the universities have been more and more politicized and taken over by militia, and the quality has suffered very noticably.  Once again, the pro ignorance and anti knowledge thugs are assaulting centers of knowledge in our country, just as they did in the beginning of the revolution in the name of political purification, a la Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.  What do you expect when a man like Kamaran Daneshjoo who has no legitimate graduate degree is minister for higher education.