Saudi Arabia to US:"“cut off the head of the snake [Iran ]” while there was still time.
New York Times / William J. Broad and Andrew W. Lehren
28-Nov-2010 (4 comments)

There is also an American-inspired plan to get the Saudis to offer China a steady oil supply, to wean it from energy dependence on Iran. The Saudis agreed, and insisted on ironclad commitments from Beijing to join in sanctions against Tehran.

Ari Siletz

What wikileaks reveals about Iran

by Ari Siletz on

Inside scoop on Iran missiles from North Korea, Russia-China deal, Arab reaction to Obama Nowrooz address to Iranians etc.




by Q on

they do have a lot to lose domestically. Unless they start backtracking it (which I'm sure they will), they will have problems at home. It's bad enough they are in bed with the West on the Palestine issue, now they have even more to worry about.

Ari Siletz

Q, no surprise, but the leak is consequential

by Ari Siletz on

Interestingly, the leaks reveal nothing that hadn't already been surmised.  But public confirmation of the Arab rulers' attitudes towards Iran vis a vis Israel do effectively take away deniability from these rulers in front of their population, handing these rulers an inconvenient political fait-accompli. As in, you got nothing to lose anymore, now are you in or out?  In my skeptical moments, I would say, "well played."  


Not really a surprise, is it Ari?

by Q on

The Saudi government, along with other Arab states owe their entire existence to US arms. Iran has been a thorn on their side way before the nuclear program. They hate Iran, because they are afraid of their own population rising up. The contrast between Arab rulers and the public opinion couldn't be greater.

In addition, there's the sunni/shiite divide and they lament losing Iraq to it's shiite majority population.