Wiki weakens Iran war drive

The Saudi endorsement could be the kiss of death for Netanyahu's push for a military strike on Iran.
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2010 15:35 GMT

Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, is ecstatic. He has
come to the conclusion that a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks,
revealing that the Saudis privately favour a military strike on Iran,
has vindicated Israel's hawkish stance. With Saudi Arabia aboard the war
train, how can it possibly be derailed?

Of course, he is totally wrong. The revelation that the Saudi royals
agree with the Israeli position adds exactly nothing to the case for
war. The House of Saud? Whom exactly do they speak for? Not even the
Saudi people, let alone anybody else in the Muslim world. In fact, the
Saudi endorsement could be the kiss of death for Netanyahu's plans.

A more significant revelation is that the Obama administration has no
intention of resorting to force to prevent Iran from developing nuclear
weapons. A host of cables indicate that in private, as in public, ... >>>

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