Egypt's Coptic Christians struggle against institutionalised prejudice
The Guardian / Jack Shenker
29-Dec-2010 (one comment)

Christmas is coming in Giza, but the neighbourhood is far from
festive. The road to St Mary's, the half-built church in the
neighbourhood of Al-Talbiyya, is strewn with giant clumps of concrete –
all torn from the four-lane highway that towers above.

It was from this highway late last month that security forces launched a barrage of tear gas, live ammunition and handheld rocks upon thousands of Coptic Christians demonstrating below


Muslims persecute Christians in Egypt

by Simorgh5555 on

Islamic hypocricy: They cry blue murder when Switzerland minarets or France banning the ugly female slave apaerel known as the Burka but hound Chritsians for wanting to build a Church. This is of course the tip of the iceberg for the marginalized Coptic community in Egypt.
