رئیس دانشگاه تهران:ایرانی هاباهوشند،امريكابدنبال انتقال ژن ايراني است
Rahe Sabz
12-Jan-2011 (9 comments)

دولتمردان آمريكا كه تا ديروز به دنبال جذب نخبگان علمي كشورمان بودند ، امروز با تغيير استراتژي خود به دنبال انتقال ژن ايراني به كشورشان هستند تا براي 50 الي 100 سال آينده با تكثير
اين ژن انسان هايي كه متولد مي شوند از ژن ايراني برخوردار باشند .


"Americans are trying to steal our genes!"

by Fesenjoon on



VPK Jaan

by Faramarz on

I hear you man!

Everybody wants a piece of us!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Faramarz Jaan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


They have gone so far as to steal Persian Cat genes. Now how low could they get! I guess low enough to fit under the kitty ahem :-)


This is an Emergency!

by Faramarz on

I urge all able-body Iranian males to immediately report to a spem bank and make a deposit (or more) to save our race!

Thank you brothers!


Doki joon, youre too late! :-D

by Fesenjoon on

The Great Satan has already stolen our fine Persian genes!

I mean you have to admit that Iranians have abso-fuckin-lutely stunning genes. I am ready to do namaaz-e aayaat for this one (which has been sighted in Houston)!


Just another...

by Doctor mohandes on

slow day in the news market...

something has got to speed things up. Giddy up now!

To help out I guess i should go down to the local bar ... to procreate some Iranianzed - americans.  it has been a while...


G. Rahmanian

اقا شما بي اطلاعيد!

G. Rahmanian

He may be referring to the rumor that Americans are going to kidnap Ahmadinejad to save their economy.


Do They Know LA is 2nd TEHRAN

by afshinazad on

Someone has to remind these morons mass majority of Iranian live in united state of America and they are mingling with all races. American they want free PHD, BACHLOR, MASTERS Degrees that Iranian bring in country and they save thousands of thousands of dollars, not their genes.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I don't

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

know about specifies but genetic diversity is important. There are many groups that are working to understand the DNA. All of us including Fesenjoon's least favorite {Iranians} have unique qualities.

The good news for the world is that Iranians:

  • Are scattered around the world thanks to IR.
  • Generally are willing to co mingle with other races.