Report: UN tribunal to link Iran's Supreme Leader with Hariri assassination
Haaretz / Avi Issacharoff
15-Jan-2011 (14 comments)

Newsmax report quoting sources as blaming Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah for the hit comes as Hezbollah ministers resign from Lebanon's unity government in an attempt to pressure Beirut away from aiding UN probe.

 A United Nations tribunal is to indict Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei with ordering the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, U.S. news website Newsmax reported on Saturday, adding that the hit itself was planned executed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards in collaboration with Hezbollah.


Terrorist regime in Iran behind Lebanon PM murder

by Simorgh5555 on

Many Lebanese do not see Israel as their friend and this is understandable. However, the Lebanese government and its people are deluding themselves if they believe that Hezbollah is acting in Lebanon's interest. Hezbollah is a terrorist apparatus serving the Islamist agenda of the terror regime in Iran. The schools, hospitals and the freebies given by Iran has a catch. Lebanon should not have its independence bought out like this.  

This latest development and the recent weapon seizures in Nigeria, Senegal and Mauritius, there is no room for doubt that the Islamic Republic is exporting terror, supporting fringe extremist Islamist groups across the Middle East and beyond. Even without nuclear capabilities the Islamic Republic is still capable of doing extreme harm. The focus should not be on whether Iran has nukes or not as a pretext for another misguided war but to actually consider material and military assistance to Iranians to be able to overthrow this regime. 

A free democratic secular Iran is good for Iranians and the world.  



Dear Roozbeh,

by AMIR1973 on

You are welcome. Take care.


well , I know it must be tough molla...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 Because it is your buddies at the islamist regime of Iran being investigated by UN for acts of terrorism against People and government of Lebanon, not the israel. Even your "fearless" colleague admitted grudgingly after eating his own errrrrrm...... words!.

Now tell us, was it the Roobah or Gorbeh's tail? LOL

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mola Nasredeen

There's only one

by Mola Nasredeen on

terrorist government in the Middle East and that's Israel.

A terrorist and a racist regime. Why terrorist you may ask? look at its actions against Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Iranians, Turks, etc.

Why is it racist? Because the United Nations says: "Zionism is Racism".

No Fear


by No Fear on

I have made an error.

I went back searching for the news link ( from Iran ) to provide proof of where i quoted that info. But i gave up searching when i realized your link is more legit and i have to accept the fact.

As a result, i am ready to accept the possibility that Iran might be involved in the killing.

Thank you for pointing out my mistake.


Thanks amir for catching the islamist liar!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 looks like miss/mr "no fear" was misinformed by his handlers again, or she has problem with counting!

there are 6 judges, 2 from lebanon, one from italy, new zealand, belgium and sweden each! No one from USA. 

is it the roobah or gorbeh or kooseh story now? LOL

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


What a joke, indeed :-)

by AMIR1973 on

   A UN tribunal consists of 10 judges from united states and only two from Lebanon for a total of 12.      Always fact-check Islamists. Always. Follow the link below:    // 

No Fear

What a joke ..

by No Fear on

A UN tribunal consists of 10 judges from united states and only two from Lebanon for a total of 12.

The show must go on....


Roobah va Gorbeh va....Kooseh

by AMIR1973 on


Kar kar-e Mossad ast  :-)



روباه یا گربه...


فرقی‌ نداره. همین که یک برادر عرب لبنانی  یک مقدار فارسی بلده، کلی‌ افتخار ما! حالا صبر کن میره یکی‌ رو میاره که به ما یک جواب دندان شکنی به نوع چاله میدونی بده


از روباه پرسیدند نه از گربه


 حالا کار سوریه را بنداز گردن اسرائیل و دم-شاهدی را هم بنداز گردن فرامرز.

Mola Nasredeen

از گربه دزده پرسیدن شاهدت کیه؟

Mola Nasredeen

گفت دمم!

حالا حکایت این صهیو نیست‌ها و نشریات اسراییلی است.

People of the Middle East and the world know it was done by Israel's Mossad. 


I knew this all along...

by shushtari on

the akhoonds are masters of dispatching assassins abroad to due their dirty work

when they finally fall, we will find the true extent of their atrocities 

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

This is interesting. I never believed Syria was behind Mr. Hariri's assassination. Now, Syria should cut off its diplomatic ties with IR terrorists. IR has done everything in its power to create tension in the region.