Report: Iran executes 2 in torture deaths
06-Feb-2011 (one comment)

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A pro-government web site says Iran has executed
two prison officials convicted of the 2009 torture deaths of three
anti-government protesters.

Sunday's report by the Khabarnameh
Daneshjooyan web site says the executions were reported by Abdolhossein
Rouhalamini, the father of one of the victims and a prominent
conservative figure.

The torture deaths had sparked an outcry even
among influential government supporters. The case drew some of the
fiercest criticism against the government over its treatment of
protesters in the turmoil following 2009's disputed presidential

The two prison officials were convicted in June.

Calls to Roulhalamini and officials were not returned Sunday.

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Shifteh Ansari

تکذیب اعدام دو متهم کهریزک

Shifteh Ansari

This is not true, Nobody has been punished for the Kahrizak crimes yet.