برخورد مقتدرانه ناوگروه اعزامي ارتش با رژيم صهيونيستي در مسير درياي مديترانه
Fars News
06-Mar-2011 (44 comments)

خبرگزاري فارس: فرمانده نيروي دريايي ارتش گفت: در حين مأموريت ناوگروه اعزامي به مديترانه نيروهاي رژيم صهيونيستي در دريا از نيروهاي ما خواستند تا خود را معرفي كنند كه با واكنش مقتدرانه ناوگروه اعزامي ارتش روبرو شدند.

به گزارش خبرنگار دفاعي خبرگزاري فارس، امير دريادار حبيب‌الله سياري فرمانده نيروي دريايي ارتش صبح امروز (شنبه) در نشست خبري كه به منظور بررسي دستاوردهاي ماموريت اعزام ناوگروه ارتش به درياي مديترانه برگزار شد، گفت: اين ناوگروه دوازدهمين سري از ناوگروه‌هاي ارتش بود كه اوايل بهمن براي انجام ماموريت يعني برقراري خطوط ارتباطي كشورمان در خليج عدن به اين منطقه سفر كرد و تفاوت آن با ناوگروه‌هاي گذشته در اين بود كه تعدادي از دانشجويان دانشگاه دريايي امام خميني(ره) نوشهر نيز در آن حضور داشتند كه قرار بود تا علاوه بر ماموريت رزمي و اطلاعاتي اين دانشجويان مراحل كارورزي خود را در اين ماموريت پشت سر بگذارند.

... >>>

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Shazde Asdola Mirza

برخورد مقتدرانه با رژيم صهيونيستي

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Israel Coast Guard: the little boat wobbling dangerously from left-to-right ... do you need help? Introduce yourself.

IRI mark 1965 vessel: "little" is your father ... know your mouth's speech!

ICG: ok - but are you in need of any assistance?

IRI: No! We have come to assistance all people ... we no assistance!

ICG: alright, but try to avoid the flashing light - 5 nautical miles on your starboard.

IRI: You flashing light try to avoid our starboard ... you filthy zionist!

ICG: sir ... that lighthouse will not be able to avoid you!

Bad Stories for Bad Kids

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Before departure from Syria, the IRR ships were loaded with

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

medicine to cure the ship's crew suffering from Clostridium Difficile!


Anonymous Observer

Faramarz Jaan- what do you expect?

by Anonymous Observer on

Really, what do you expect?  Look at who's posting this garbage.  The guy with a picture of IR's greatest "technological" accomplishment as his avatar: a 1960's F-5 (also Shah era) with another tail fin, something that people around the world do as their hobby with kit planes.  But then again, when you have one of the most obsolete militaries in the world, building a kit plane can seem like a huge accomplishment.  As they say, "kafsh-e kohneh dar biyaban nemat ast." 


Posion and Tool Box!!!

by Doctor mohandes on

 your poison to turn Iran to a nation of endovers has proven ineffective before and continues to prove itself useless. Every tool in the evil's tool box has been


Did i not tell you to not mess around with that snake in the backyard? Now see what you have done?

Btw. Are there any Peech Gooshti magasi in This tool box anywhere? IT helped bob villa a lot back when he was young and out to derail stuff. evil jan. Take a good look and if not there, Home depot has them on sale!

Good luck to you brother evil:)

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

"Lucky for the Zionists you are not talking on their behal..."

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

I knew that the intent of "Israelis should sink these two ships" on the elements of Hezbollah here on IC would be as effective as "neshador on our muley" back in the village of Dorvan a few miles northwest of Karadj Dam!



Israelis should sink these two .........

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

Lucky for the Zionists you are not talking on their behalf.  knowing their savage mentality you can be sure that they would have already done it. However, unlike you, they know the devastating consequences of their actions against Iran. In other words, You would immediately get your buns out of Tel Aviv even if you have to swim across the Mediterranean to avoid the missile showers from guess where? Iran!

But your Zio-Fascist brothers know that too well, unlike you!





ببینیم نظر ستوان کلمبو چیه!


As Peter Falk said in Columbo back in the day, "There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up. Nothing important you understand!"

So the Regime sends a Shah-era frigate (launched in 1968, that would be 43 years ago!) to the Mediterranean Sea with a supply ship and without any means of defending themselves. Then the Israelis mess around with the ship captain and ask him to identify himself. And now the Regimi crowd here are all excited and think this is a show of force of some sort!

Tottaly Clueless!  

Mash Ghasem

"with a little help from divine"

by Mash Ghasem on

what has kept you thugs in power is that oil money ( that you steal from Iranian people), and your most vile fascistic violent conduct. Both are coming to an end. Time for you and your ilk to change jobs.

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Israelis should sink these two ships right in the international

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

waters? Why? Because, IRR is a terrorist establishment and it is an OUTLAW gang!


Far from it

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

There and then you'll see the face of Iranian people's Enemy. Your pathetic " military PR" for IR is utterly revolting.


Your pathetic comparison proves who's side I am on. The integrity and independence of Iran is what true Iranian patriots believe in unlike you and your ilks who are either the mouth piece of Zio-fascists or shear self haters. But whatever you may be, your poison to turn Iran to a nation of endovers has proven ineffective before and continues to prove itself useless. Every tool in the evil's tool box has been used to derail Iran from its proud independent path, be it terrorism, economic sanctions, military sanctions, technology sanctions, manufacturing lies and so on. But Iran has been resilient with a little help from divine justice almost all of these tactics have not only be ineffective on Iran but also proven disastrous for those who instigate them. Only a blind can't see what has happened. 



Mash Ghasem

IMF don't forget to take a look

by Mash Ghasem on

in the mirror. There and then you'll see the face of Iranian people's Enemy. Your pathetic " military PR" for IR is utterly revolting.


The enemy is within, not without

by ImtheKing on

You nailed it Haji! but people will overcome, don't worry.


The enemy is within, not without

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

Then you are your worst enemy!




The enemy is within, not without

by Kashk on

distraction ..

distraction ..

distraction ..

distraction ..