U.S. Groups to Celebrate Purim At Iran's UN Mission
Israel National News / Elad Benari
07-Mar-2011 (one comment)

Leading Jewish-Zionist groups in the U.S. have decided to celebrate the holiday of Purim differently this year, and have decided to hold a Megillah reading at the Iranian UN Mission in Manhattan, New York.

 The event is sponsored by Americans for a Safe Israel, Amcha-Coalition for Jewish Concerns, Jewish Political Education Foundation, andZSTREET, and its purpose is to “tell the world -- and today's Haman, Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- that we will not be silent as he threatens Israel with destruction and seeks ways to further destabilize the Mideast.”


Terrorist regime taught lessons of Purim

by Simorgh5555 on

Ahamdinejad is indeed the new 'Haman' and Hitler rolled into one. Like Haman and other fascists before him Ahmadinejad's will pay for the crimes against Iranians first and foremost. Let us pray that for the sacred festival of Purim Ahmadinejad's life will be cut down and his seed wiped off from the face of the earth. 
