Just 17% Believe American Muslims Are Treated Unfairly
The Financial / The Rasmussen Rerport
12-Mar-2011 (2 comments)

Most voters don’t believe their fellow citizens are unfair to Muslim Americans. They also think Muslims in this country should be louder in their criticism of potential domestic terrorist attacks.

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My Grandma wore a scarf.She looked very nice.

by Escape on

I never thought a thing about it.Of course she wasn't trying to kill me.Well maybe a couple times.

Yes Christians,Jews take alot of heat.So do Militia's.When it's Muslims turn,people really show their faces don't they? That's when we get their number..

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Obviously people do not like to be targets of terror. Muslims are being treated very fairly in America. If America wanted to be unfair they would single out Muslims for extra checks. Many nations require you to declare your religion on your id papers. Then use that to single out people of a particular religion. America does not do this. 

In fact you could not even tell if someone is a Muslim unless they make it known.If people want to pray in their homes and practice their religion no one bothers them. If they want to go to Mosque that is also fine. If they want to preach that is also fine. So what is this about being treated unfairly? 

Now if someone insists on wearing a Chador or Burka they will stand out. They will probably be treated differently and I think they should. I sure would not want someone with a face mask near me. 

Head scarfs are a different matter. I don't particularly like them but I do not discriminate based on them either. You want to wear a scarf or a turbin fine. You want to wear a face mask no way.

You want to pray at home or at Mosque fine. You want to preach anti American hate: no way. That is not and should not be the job of a Mosque. 

The same goes for Church. I have been very outspoken  against Churches that spread hate. For example the hate Church that bashes American soldiers.