Turkish columnist: Erdogan won't say 'You Shall Not Kill' in Arabic
18-Mar-2011 (2 comments)

Hurriyet writer horrified by PM's silence on Itamar attack, asks 'what rank was 3-month 'soldier'?' While the world keeps silent on the terror attack in Itamar, a columnist for a popular Turkish paper chose to inveigh against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his neglect to condemn the murders of the five family members. In an article entitled 'You Shall Not Kill' in the Hurriyet daily, Burak Bekdil asks, "I am still curious about what rank the 3-month old Israeli 'soldier' held. Captain? Lieutenant colonel? Certainly too young to be a general."


Bekdil reminds his readers of a 2010 speech in which a hot-tempered Erdogan expressed harsh criticism of Israel, emphasizing the deteriorating relations between the two states.


"'These (people) even see babies in their cradles as a threat. They have killed babies in their mothers’ arms.' These people, naturally, were the Israelis," Bekdil writes.


"Mr. Erdoğan said in both Turkish and English: 'You shall not kill.' Then he showed his linguistic capabilities and went on: 'You still don’t get it? Then I shall speak to you in your own language: Lo tir’tsach!'"


In other speeches, Bekdil tells his readers, Erdogan has said that his rage over child killings has nothing to do with race or gender. "All the same, he has been mute since ... >>>

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You're clueless on the story

by Escape on

You're clueless on the story.That's exactly what it is about,your criticsim you think didn't happen,did happen.The other way around.

Erdogen said exactly that about the Isrealis.After Operation Cast Lead He said no child deserves to be Killed.He was asked now if he would say the same thing once again..He would not express his same concern for 'Children' this time because it was Isreali children.By the way Erdogen is the leader of Turkey.


Ottoman Arab?!!!!

by fussygorilla on

Did Hurriyet ever ask what terrorist organization the hundreds and hudreds of Palestinian children who are killed by the Israelis and their terrotist "settlers" belonged to and what rank they had?  enough double-standard and hypocrcy!