Despite Ban, UAE remains Market Hub for Shark Fins
Green Prophet / Arwa Aburawa
25-Mar-2011 (one comment)

Green Prophet delves into the bloody and murky business of shark fishing and fining in the United Arab Emirates

Following the recent shocking incident where a pregnant hammerhead female shark and its forty-five pups were found dead at a fish market in Dubai, we decided to delve a little deeper into the murky business of shark fishing and fining in the United Arab Emirates.

Although shark fining was completely unheard of in the region at one point – as it’s not part of Arabian cuisine- the practice is gaining momentum and shark fishing is definitely on the rise.

UAE Is Market Hub for Shark Fins

A week ago, shark fin soup served at a Dubai function did court controversy but the fact remains that shark fin soup is ‘not uncommon in Dubai’. According to a news report on the issue by UAE 7 Days, the UAE still plays its part in the controversial trade and is the market hub for what is still seen as a high-status delicacy.

Although shark fining was banned in the United Arab ... >>>


Disgusting and Inhumane

by Onlyiran on

Hats off to the Green Prophet and Ms. Aburawa for shedding light on this inhumane act.  Please also read the story about this sad and utterly shameful incident:

