Israel Is the Nuclear Threat, Not Iran
Market Watch / Alireza Miryousefi

Regarding the Zionist regime's Ambassador Michael Oren's Iran-phobic article " What if Gadhafi Had Gone Nuclear?" (op-ed, March 29): Contrary to the false assertions in the article, Iran's nuclear program is completely peaceful, and various reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency confirm that after extensive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities there is no evidence of any military diversion. I repeat, the charges are nonsense and the purpose of the fake propaganda against Iran reflected in this article is to deflect attention from the real threat of nuclear proliferation posed by an expansionist government that continues to oppress the Palestinian people and expropriate their land in clear violation of international law.

It is strange to publish an article whose author is representing the government with the biggest terrorist and apartheid regime which continues its systematic violation of Palestinian rights. The country Mr. Oren represents has clandestinely stockpiled nuclear weapons which menace the people of the Middle East.

Compared to Iran, which is a signatory in good standing to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and is an enthusiastic supporter of the United Nations' initiative of a Middle East nuclear-weapons-free zone, this government has rejected the call by the international community to join t... >>>

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