/سالگرد روز ملي فن‌آوري هسته‌يي/ خــبــر خــوش هــســتــه‌يــي در راه اســت؟
07-Apr-2011 (6 comments)

فروردين، "روز ملي فن‌آوري هسته‌يي" است و امسال سالگرد آن در حالي برگزار
خواهد شد كه درباره اعلام دستاوردهاي جديد هسته‌يي گمانه‌زني‌ها ادامه
دارد. از ميان "توسعه سانتريفيوژ‌ها"، "مكان‌يابي و ساخت سايت‌هاي جديد
غني‌سازي"، "توليد راديوداروي جديد"، "طراحي و ساخت راكتورها" و يا حتي
"آغاز توليد برق در نيروگاه بوشهر"، كداميك مي‌تواند به‌عنوان دستاورد جديد
هسته‌يي كشورمان معرفي مي‌شود.

به گزارش خبرنگار انرژي
هسته‌يي خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، در شهريور 1385، ‌20 فرودين‌ماه
به عنوان «روز ملي فن‌آوري هسته‌يي»‌ نامگذاري شد. بيستم فروردين‌ماه روزي
است كه دانشمندان ايراني در كم‌تر از دو دهه موفق به تكميل كامل چرخه سوخت
هسته‌يي و وارد كردن ايران به جمع معدود كشورهاي دارنده چرخه كامل سوخت
... >>>

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I love MM's puzzle...

by mullah-kosh on

MM, love the puzzle/equation you have provided. Very creative. :)


Dont want you to lose your job, but...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Believe me, a monkey from my "local zoo"  Would do a better job for the islamist regime than posting this kind of laughable propaganda day in, day out. and he'd cost less to hire! 

Now back to basic training for you akhi!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

You can never come up with good comebacks...

Try again... 

PS- What happened to the old, re-painted F-5 that you had as your avatar?  Broke down?!!! 


Iran will go nuclear if the nation chooses so

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

regardless of any monkey acts of yours or anyone else here at IC!

Just so you would get a deserving position applicable to your specialty, the local zoo is hiring cheap actors with your caliber. You should sign up!

 By the way, how is my spelling?




اگه هسته = تخم، آنوقت هسته ای = ؟



Anonymous Observer

Wait, wait...I know the good news...

by Anonymous Observer on

They're going to put you inside the reactor core!

Good news indeed!!!