Iranian journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi to receive 2011 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize
07-Apr-2011 (7 comments)
Imprisoned Iranian journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi is the laureate of this year’s UNESCO Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. He was selected by an independent international jury of 12 media professionals.

Ahmad Zeidabadi is currently serving a six-year jail sentence following Iran’s presidential election in 2009.            

Announcing the decision, jury president Diana Senghor said: “ The final choice of Ahmad Zeidabadi pays a tribute to his exceptional courage, resistance and commitment to freedom of expression, democracy, human rights, tolerance, and humanity. Beyond him, also the Prize will award the numerous Iranian journalists who are currently jailed.”              

recommended by Fred



"The rabid anti-Semite Islamist Palestinian crop dusters"

by Bavafa on

It can not get any more amusing then this, keep it up.


Mona 19


by Mona 19 on

Italian actor Roberto Citran has given his face & voice to iranian journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi, arrested in June 2009 and sentenced to 6 years in prison.



Get a job

by Fred on

The rabid anti-Semite Islamist Palestinian crop dusters have got to get a job and stop mooching off the Iranian people. God knows it is time.


"Haji nuke lobbyist is a sack of Islamist liar"

by Bavafa on

Just wondering, how much credibility such name calling gives to our argument considering that nearly all responses to the critics starts this way.

AIPAC ought to have a better vetting process.



NIOC Haji 2

by Fred on

National Iranian Oil Company Haji nuke can repeat his Islamist lies with his  loutish Islamist language as much as he wants, it is an innate thing with his creed, however, he has to provide and cite my own words. He lacks the credibility to have his say so as proof. Boro Haji!


"tribute to his exceptional courage, resistance ...."

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.

And what the heck has his religion got to do with the whole thing, apart from another proof of the fact that this so called "Islamic" Republic is as vicious on muslims as any other human being daring to think for himself? As for the "Republic" bit, LOL, as they say around here! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Zeidabadi is a practicing Muslim and nationalist-religious

by Mammad on

and believes in the religion that you constantly demonize. He is also a follower of Dr. Ali Shariati, the man you constantly label "Charlatan."

