Arab-Iranians in Iran to make April 15 ‘Day of Fury’
Al Arabiya News / Al Arabiya News
16-Apr-2011 (4 comments)

Arab-Iranian activists announced online that they would start agitating under the name “Ahwazi Day of Fury” to protest the discriminatory practices they suffer at the hand of Iranian authorities.

Friday, April 15 was marked as the day of the Ahwazi revolution, according to the campaign launched on the social networking Website Facebook. Among other things, the campaign’s a-media efforts aim at allowing Arab-Iranians to follow Arab countries that call for democracy and political reforms.

The protests will start with all Ahwazis in Iran going up to the roofs of houses and chanting “Allah Akbar” (God is Great), said Amjad Taha Yassin, administrator of the Ahwazi Revolution news page on Facebook. 

“We already set up operations rooms to support the protests in several European and Arab countries, on top of which is Egypt,” he told Al Arabiya in a phone interview. 

Mr. Yassin added that developments of the situation will be posted minute-by-minute on the Facebook page and that communication will be established with the leadership of the revolution in Iran.

In a preemptive move, Iranian authorities cut Internet services in the Shalang Abad neighborhood, known for being the center of protests in the predominantly-Arab Khuzestan province, previously known as Arabstan, in western Iran.


Iran is treating Arabs as bad as the Israelis

by Simorgh5555 on

Hah! What makes Ahwazis any different from Palestinians then? Does the right of self determination not apply to the people of Ahwaz? Why can't they wave Arabic banners and adopt a full Arab identity if they want? At least in GAZA and the WEST BANK the Plaestinians can wave Palestinian flags and have limited autonomous rights. The Iranians are just like the Zionists. They are oppressing Arab people! :) 


David ET

cooinciding with bittering relationship between IR and saudi's!

by David ET on

Its obvious that Saudi's have hand in this. Otherwise why suddenly now!

All Iranians are mistreated by the regime. 


lol.. funniest thing i have

by alx1711 on

lol.. funniest thing i have heard. Day of Fury... haha.

day of tazies. lol


well, no love lost there.

by mahmoudg on

Iranians and Arabs have never seen eye to eye.  But if they are the ciitiznes of Iran, they should be given the same weight as all others.  But we know this Islamic demonic cultists have no respect for any humans, so no surprise there.