Are these crazy suits Iran's answer to pro-democracy protests in Syria?
Christian Science Monitor / Editor's Column
19-Apr-2011 (one comment)

The United States has accused Iran of sending special gear to Syria's regime to help quell the protests there. One can only wonder if these camouflage suits – see picture of Iranian soldiers in a military parade on Monday – were included in President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's care package to President Bashar al-Assad.

 Syrian soldiers would certainly need to hide themselves as they shoot down innocent civilians demanding freedom. Instead of standing atop buildings with sniper rifles, perhaps they could blend into the crowds with these suits. That way, they might be mistaken for Muslim women dressed head to toe to cover themselves from prying eyes.

Or they could pretend to be going to a Star Wars convention, joining others trying to look like Chewbacca (or Chewie), a legendary Wookiee and co-pilot of Han Solo's ship.

