Iranian Cultural Foundation Mocks Holocaust
Memri / Memri
01-May-2011, an antisemitic Iranian website launched in August 2010, aims to mock and denigrate the Holocaust, on the premise that these events were completely fabricated by the Jews for their own nefarious purposes.

A visitor to the website, which has pages in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi, is greeted by the Pink Panther theme music, and informed that it is dedicated to those killed "under the pretext of the Holocaust." It features an e-book, "HoloCartoons," the preface to which reads, in part: "This book tends to denounce the conspicuous lie of the 'plan[n]ed murder of 6 million Jews during the Second World War' allegedly called 'Holocaust.' The lie that is so obvious that there is no need for any further explanation."

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