نقدی: چیزی به نام حقوق بشر در جهان نداریم
roozonline / مهشید برومند
18-May-2011 (one comment)

محمدرضا نقدی، فرمانده بسیج و از کسانی  که در
موارد زیادی به نقض حقوق بشر و شکنجه بازداشت شدگان در پرونده های مختلف
متهم بوده و حتی به عنوان مجرم شناخته شده است طی اظهاراتی مدعی شد که "ما
چیزی به نام حقوق بشر در جهان نداریم، چرا که آنها از حقوق ظالمان دفاع می

فرمانده بسیج روز گذشته در همایش ائمه جماعات استان قم  در این باره
گفت:" نهاد حقوق بشری در دنیا نداریم، همه آنها حقوق ظلم و ظالمین هستند و
این نهادها را برای فریب مردم دنیا درست شدند.  حوادث اخیر کشورهای اسلامی

کرده است که چیزی به نام حقوق بشر در دنیا وجود ندارد."

این گفته های محمدرضا نقدی دربار... >>>

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Iran 2050

IranFirst jaan,

by Iran 2050 on



First off, I would like to express my outmost admiration for your wok on here to bring light to the atrocities committed by the Fascist IRI regime and for your relentless call for a free and democratic Iran. With intellectual Iranians like you taking the lead, freedom is near. Thank you sir/madam.

I do have to say I disagree with you on one important thing, and I think that is the only thing I disagree with you on. I see on lot of your postings, you demean Islam and Arabs as entirety. I have to just point couple of things out here.

I am myself a “Farsi” and border line Atheist. Not religious at all. However aziz, I don’t think the problem in Iran stems from Arabs, or Arabian culture that has allegedly “imposed” on us, or Islam. Aziz, we have a troubled history. Yes we do. Many Iranians, unlike you, have been brainwashed by the Aryan chauvinistic culture created by Reza Shah to believe that we’re the best, and our culture is the best, and our race is the best, and we had the best civilization until Islam came into Iran. That can’t be farther from the truth.

We have a 2500 year tradition of tyranny that stemmed from the political structure of the nation trickling down into our personal attitudes towards each other and others. The intolerance we see right now towards each other and anything that is non-Farsi, or non-Aryan, or non-Zoroastrian, (And some of this is a natural reaction towards the intolerance IRI has shown), is result of a deeply rooted hidden and suppressed anger we have resulting from the ultra-tyrannical socio-political structure of our society. It existed from the day Koroush built the Persian nation. He actually started it. He set up a system that suppresses with outmost brutality, anything it disapproves of, and not only that, he says he is god’s appointee on earth. Our non-Islamic history (with the exception of Ashkanis) is filled with murder, genocide, intolerance and oppression. But then again, how is that different from any culture? Not much. As result, whose to say we’re better than others or others are better than us?

You cannot measure a culture by terms such as “better”. It doesn’t apply. It’s not scientific. Just like Arabs, we have good traditions and bad traditions. Just like any two neighbors (ex. English – French, Japan – China, Italian – French, Roman – Germans, Greek – Turks,,,etc), we also have had difficulties with Arabs, Turks and even non-Farsi Aryan neighbors (such as Sakkas). That does not mean they are uncivilized and we are civilized. Arabs have a way longer written and civilized history than we do. Look at Yemen, and civilization of Sabaa (spelling?). They had queens (Belqais) long before Iran existed. So what does that tell you? In addition, aren’t we proud that Shite is not true Islam and it’s a Zoroastrian form of Islam, then, why are blaming Islam for what the IRI regime is doing? Which in my opinion is enforcing true shite traditions, which is a mixture of Islam, Zoroastrianism, and the Iranian attitudes of thugishness, intolerance, jealousy and machiavelianian tendencies?

Let’s get real for a second. Arabs don’t hate us because we’re “Aryans”. They’re no better than us and we’re no better than them. All men are created equal. And all civilizations have things to be proud of and things to be ashamed of, no exceptions.