Paul Larudee, co-founder of Free Gaza: ‘Israel realises that the world is changing’
Almost a year ago the Liberty Flotilla, mainly initiated by Free Gaza, was tempted to break the blockade imposed over Gaza by Israel since 2007. The ships coming from Turkey were violently intercepted in international waters by the Israeli army. It resulted in nine Turkish deaths. Some weeks later a new flotilla counting nearly 1500 passengers departed. Paul Larudee, co-founder of Free Gaza and representative of the human rights group Free Palestine, agreed to talk to us about the reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, which happened recently and suddenly, the last declarations of the American President Barack Obama, but also about the revival of the Middle East peace process. What is your reaction to the announcement of the reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas?
Paul Larudee:
In the name of the group (Free Palestine), I want to remind that we have nothing to do with Palestine’s interior politics. We are solidary with all Palestinians, regardless of their political ‘colour’. We are not affiliated with political parties, and we are not in a position to comment on the reconciliation. From a personal point of view, on the other hand, it is unlucky to see the existence of a unified or divided Palestinian authority, which has no authority. This dissimulates the impression that they are responsible. This is not the reality. All power is in the hands of Israel. The existence of authority is something, which... >>>

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