Are Libyan rebels backed by Saudi Arabia or Iran?
International Business Times / Anissa Haddadi
11-Jun-2011 (6 comments)

Saudi Arabia is not the only country that the Libyan conflict has put in an awkward position. Tehran has tried to balance support for the Libyan opposition, which it views as part of a region-wide "Islamic awakening," with rejection of the Nato-led military strikes.

Keeping in with their anti-Western outlook, Iranian officials still insist that the U.N.-endorsed military intervention on humanitarian grounds is hypocritical and part of a secret Western agenda. Tehran has made no secret of the fact that it opposes any military intervention in the Middle East, even if in Iran's interest, and had also opposed the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, despite the fact Saddam Hussein was Iran's main adversary in the region.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confirmed Iran's anti-intervention attitude and said: "The intervention of some European countries and America in the regional nations increases concern and makes circumstances more complicated."

"The double standard action of the Western countries in Bahrain and Libya and their silence towards the atrocities of the Zionist regime against the innocent Palestinians shows their contradictory performance in the world."

However its seems that the person who illustrates the best Iran's dichotomist position is the Supreme Leader Ayato... >>>

recommended by Simorgh5555


Darius Kadivar

Simorgh5555 Hoseleh Daree Vaghean ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Baba Get this in Your THICK Head I'm not here to waste time speaking or justifying my views eachtime someone disagrees with me.


I am not entitled to converse with you. I am not a Politician seeking Office but merely an Iranian blogging and expressing myself.


I refuse to engage in another lengthy debate with you merely because you think you are entitled to a response.


You are Just one amongst Millions of other readers and dozens of bloggers here, free to have the opinion you wish to have.

I'm not imposing mine on you, I just refuse to be dictated on what I should say, think or like. 


Cheh Meedoonam go and Write a THESIS or a PHD on your views ... what are you doing here wasting your time and mine in trying to convince me on adhering to your mindset. Haven't you got anything better to do ?  


I have not even bothered reading your last comment here cause I have better things to do. Like going to the Cinema and watching a filmmaker I have criticized for his opinion and not his art: Asghar Farhadi.


Now Please Keep me out of Your Recurrent Abusive Posts in the future for you are truly becoming a Pain in the Ass !








Darius - please read

by Simorgh5555 on

Thank you for giving me the debate I hoped for which you were denying for some time. Adam shodi ;)!   

Blowing up the Terrorist Occupying Islamic Republic is not the same as Iran. Asking for surgical striked on Basij and Sepah is not the same as carpet bombing and destroying Iranian cities, town and villages indiscriminately. You will ba hard pressed to find a single comment or article which I have expressed any such idea. That would be treason. Are you saying that the Sepah, Revolutionary Guard and the Basij are institutions of terror? I could not care less whether the entire lot of them perish and their bodies explode in a thousand pieces. They are oppressors and occupiers.

I doubt whether we would ever agree on theories and purpose of monarchies except you see every monrachical governments governed by the same unwritten universal rule. Iran's monarchy has been sybolised by charsimatic leadership, stealth and courage. 

"Only a prince ambitious for renown 

Deserves to reign and to possess the crown;

And then I'm old, while he is young and strong-

I can't fight lions' claws, I've lived too long.

Let him display the prowess, let us see

His youth and health enjoy their victory" 

From the Shahnameh, translated by Dick Davis 

Even the Shah admitted that he will act like the King of Sweden when the "people of Iran act like the people of Swden". He was right. And it was rigt that he was an autocrat.


The last time we had a civil convesation, Darius, I asked you specifically whether in your view Reza Shah the Great was right to play a part in the abolition and overhrow of the Qajar dynasty. You never came back to me with an answer and I was wondering whether you accept the opinion of some Qajar family members (Mossadeq) that Reza Shah was a traitor. If he never kicked the Qajar's backside then the whole of Iran would have been auctioned off cheaply to the highest bidder. 

The Iranian monarchy is a symbol of the country. The position of a monarch , as the poem in Shahnameh refers to, and which Reza Shah (who actually wanted to be a president a la Attatork)  understood, can only be filled by the one capable of showing valor. 

I support Reza Pahlavi as a symol of the monarch and like all constitional monarchies (which you profess so much knowledge of) I will disagee where necessary. If Reza proves inept or incapable of filling the role then I will support a suitable successor who can in the same way as Reza Shah did. 




Darius Kadivar

Simorgh5555 Why don't YOU practice what YOU preach

by Darius Kadivar on

Go ahead claim you wish to see Iran Bombed to the Smitherins so as to liberate it from the Mullah's Grip at all costs.

Do so in the OPEN with Your FULL IDENTITY for ALL to See.

I look forward to seeing people's reactions to what YOU claim as being an Unhypocritical Stance. 

And assume the consequences of what YOU preach !


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Burping is Easy ... Thinking is Harder !  For Unlike the Libyans the Iranians at large have not asked for foreign Military intervention to be liberated from their oppressors.   

That may change if we were to objectively witness Iranians inside spontaneously take arms as in Libya ( or Yemen for that matter) but to date there is absolutely no reliable signal indicating that there is a moral endorsement by a majority of Iranians inside for such an action to date.    

As such we have absolutely no moral right to suggest otherwise or impose such an option on them from the safe comfort of our exile.  But feel free to join the MKO if you wish, who is stopping you Dude ?

MKO LOBBY:Former US senators seek to lift MKO off Terrorist List 

But don't come around speaking in the name of Monarchists or Our Sovereign who has clearly stated that he opposes such an option:

REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... by DK

RESPONDING TO REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc in the Making ... by DK



But Personally I won't allow Anonymous Blokes like you regardless of where they stand politically to dictate to me what my Tastes should be or what Opinions I should have or where my conscience should be !

I sleep very well thank you !







by Simorgh5555 on

I only wish that you share some of the zeal in your hatred of Qdaffi in your hatred of the Terror Regime occupying Iran.

Would it be the same to say that 'I want the regime dead and six feet under' and at any cost? I actually agree with your sentiments on Qadafi but it would be grossly hypocritical if I were to support military action in Libya and not Iran.

You woud even support the rebels in Libya even if they were like the MEK.

Remwmber Darius, Iran comes first.

P.S. I doubt whether Sargord or Q even wear underwear.

Darius Kadivar

You didn't even bother reading your own article's conclusion ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

"Additionally to their similar awkward reaction to the Libyan conflict, it is important to point out that the two countries are also both oil exporters. Could they see the Libyan Transitional Council as a potential business competitor, and is the Council already warning them that a new player is in the game by attempting to seek diplomatic ties with Israel, who currently have to look very far afield for their oil, a move that is set to particularly upset Iran?"

Related News:

Libya: Rebels Will Recognise Israel, Bernard-Henri Lévy Tells Netanyahu (RFI)


Take Care Olagh !



Darius Kadivar

So What Simorgh5555 ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Am I to Share Your Views on Everything ? Ranging From Art to Foreign Policy to the Color of Your Underpants ?

I want Gaddafi Dead and Six Feet Under !

Couldn't care what you think by posting a news Item as if it constituted an endorsement of what I think or Support in the Conflict taking place in Libya.

You DON'T KNOW what I think nor understand my point of view.


Danny Kaye Show - The Thinker


I am Not Here to Justify my Views or change them simply because YOU think everyone should have the same opinion be it today or in a Future and Far Fetched Post IRI Iran.


Folks like You are Intolerant Narrowminded Fascists Period ! 


But Do Send My Regards to your other Usual Suspect Likeminds like Sargord Or Q who only differ from you by wearing different Underpants !