Guatemala victims of US syphilis study still haunted by the 'devil's experiment' / Rory Carroll
11-Jun-2011 (one comment)

The Guatemalan study went further by deliberately infecting its
subjects. Not only did it violate the hippocratic oath to do no harm but
it echoed Nazi crimes exposed around the same time at the Nuremberg

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Great article. Now lets here

by Simorgh5555 on

Great article. Now lets here the anti-Israel bandwagon call the USA a fascist state and ask for sanctions to be imposed. Lets hear them ask that Nevada and New Mexico be returned to Mexico after the gringo settlers stole Mexican land. Lets hear them call for the return of land comletely to Native Americans. Oh yes, that was the fault of the Zionist lobby was it? It was also the Zionists that influenced aTruman to drop the bomb on Hiroshima was it? The same anti-Israel users here still boast that America is great country. Mainly because they ain't Jews.