Investor threatens to kill woman and children
Gulf News.Com / Bassam Za'Za,

Dubai: A Canadian investor, accused of threatening to kill an Iranian woman and her son and daughter over a commercial dispute, pleaded innocent Thursday.

Prosecutors charged the 42-year-old Canadian suspect of threatening to kill the 65-year-old woman and her daughter and son if they complained against him to the police over their financial dispute. Records showed that 42-year-old K.H. owed money to the Iranian son for commercial and business reasons.

"No… never. I am not guilty," argued the Canadian when he defended himself before the Dubai Court of First Instance.

Civil compensation claim

His lawyer asked Presiding Judge Hamad Abdul Latif Abdul Jawad for an adjournment to present his defence. Meanwhile the Iranian mother and her children have decided to lodge a civil compensation claim against K.H.

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