Transgendered prostitutes stand at the corner of Hagalil and Hasharon.
>>>Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
کاهش سن روسپيگری به 12 سال و انکار "متخصص" خودی
Mash GhasemThu Jun 16, 2011 01:16 PM PDT
يک متخصص علوم رفتاری در واکنش به انتشار برخی اخبار در خصوص کاهش سن
روسپی گری به 12 سال گفت: ارائه اين گونه آمار و اعداد تنها سبب ايجاد هراس
اجتماعی و اختلال در امنيت فکری جامعه ميشود.
مجيد ابهری در گفتوگو با مهر با بيان اينکه مشخص نيست برخی اخبار و
آمار از سوی تعدادی از کارشناسان بر اساس چه مبنا و اطلاعاتی عنوان ميشود،
گفت: رئيس يکی از انجمن های علمی اعلام کرده سن خودفروشی به 12 تا 18 سال
کاهش پيدا کرده است در حالی که ارائه اين گونه آمار و اعداد تنها سبب ايجاد
هراس اجتماعی و اختلال در امنيت فکری در جامعه ميشود.
وی با بيان اين که اين سخنان تنها برای رسانه های دشمن سوژه درست
ميکند، گفت: دختر 12 ساله در حدی نيست که اقدام به خود فروشی کند و ممکن
است از نگاه آسيب شناسی يک مورد ديده شود، اما نمی توان آن را پايه ارزيابی
و آمار قرار داد.
ابهری توضيح داد: دختر در اين سن به لحاظ رشد عقلی به اين حد نرسيده
است و علاوه بر آن نياز جسمی اش نيز در حدی نيست که خودفروشی کند.
اين استاد دانشگاه تاکيد کرد: سن خود فروشی 18 تا 25 سال است نه 12 تا 18 سال.
===================================== اين است
حكومت ولايت وقيع و دولت امام زمان و مذهب شيعه كه هر طرفدار آن هستند -
شيعه ساخته آخوندها - چون در قرآن اسمي از مذهب شيعه برده نشده است و
پيامبر اسلام هم مذهب شيعه را نداشت و در زمان انها اصلا مذهب شيعه نبود
آخوند ها مذهب شيعه و مراجع تقليد و مقلد درست كرده اند و به اسم به خورد
مردم داده اند و اين هم امنيت انها
Child prostitution aimed at Dubbai money is organized by Sepah
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:08 AM PDTand has been for a long while. Only a partner in crime would have a hard time accepting that fact in public. Although I'm sure in private you know exactly the damn truth. You're just not man enough to admit it in public.
I've lived in Toronto for a while now, for all these years didn't know the location or name of Shahr No in here. Again, one more evidence that IR and all its thughs are into organized prostituion and a bunch of whore mongers.
All of this Sepah involvement in child prostitution in one thing, their story of Drug dealings and all the arrests because of Sepah personnel involved in drug dealings, would reqiure a sepearate blog, hopeing all you lackeys of IR to burn in hell for eternity, if there's one.
by on Mon Jun 20, 2011 06:52 AM PDTgirls & women are all angels and it was just a revolution that spoiled them into prostitution, right?. Give me a brake. Whoever eats that shit does not have an iota of common sense let alone any authority on the subject.
The Iranian whores have a lot more to do with personal choices than politics than some would like to paint this picture with.
Ask those Iranians who live in Toronto where to find Iranian hookers on the North side of Yonge st., a thousands of miles away from Iran and in the heart of world prosperity. This sort of women exist in every society, they are like sharks that just need water. This sort of behavior is no different than seeing hundreds of Iranian girls/women who prey on genuine Iranian family men living outside of Iran for a green card/permanent residency that would leave their husbands even with children as soon as they obtain their papers in the Pro women laws of the West and start their disco/bar rounds (the only thing missing in Iran for them) when the poor husbands are forced by law to provide for both the mothers and children to eternity. Worse, these types of women are not caste sized by fellow Iranians abroad and thus this phenomena flourishes even further.
It is shear stupidity to blame every social and political ill on IRI as if Iranian government was planted by Martians! Hey dude, swallow it, every one of Iranian public servants were born in Iran and most likely in your neighborhood or not too far from it.
Iranian women are no longer angles (if they ever were). I have not come across any paper on forced prostitution in Iran but with all the news available 'Forced Prostitution' must be a scant phenomena.
Let's be frank, the Western culture of 'dating' did not exist in Iran, however, the Western intoxification (Ghab-Zadegi) desires of the Iranian elite specifically during the past regime has always been legendary starting in 1900's, to say the least. What changed is that due to impact of new communication technologies and Western support, average Joe in Iran managed to eat this apple too. This phenomena brought with it a whole new Pandora box that was not at all fitting to Iranian family fabric and in greater picture in Iranian society. The West, since the beginning of past century, has been vigorously active in Iran to 'Westernize' that nation as a colonization tool. And Iranians have been naïve enough to buy this over sold product whole heartedly in the name of 'modernity' as if it was/is a medicine for all nation's problems.
In 1998, The Head of Washington Institute for Near East Policy ( // ) Mr. Michael Eisenstadt who has been regularly 'invited' by Zionist congressmen to talk about 'Middle East Strategies', proposed beaming 'American Culture' into Iran freely (you and I have to pay at least $80.0 a month) for the sake of Freedom and Democracy to help Iranian youth uprising against IRI (The Yaboo from Zionist entity is on the record to have supported this vigorously). One should use common sense to see what a Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll culture impact has been on Iranians. Iranian youth rebelled against their own culture and grabbed SR&R like never before.
Once Iranian girls were with one two, twenty and even more partners, sleeping with total strangers for money is simply the next step and no big deal at all.
This discussion can go on forever but the point to get across is that first and the foremost important point is not to think of Iranian women as 'angles' (Ooon Lolo ro Hapoo Bord). Just open your eyes and pay attention around yourselves in LA, D.C., NY, Toronto, Montreal, London, Stockholm, Amsterdam or wherever you live. You should see how some Iranian women/girls behave in total freedom and then extrapolate to their birthplace, Iran to get a hint.
Iran's historical
by vildemose on Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:46 PM PDTIran's historical PIMPS...the mullahs
How true. The vampiric mullahs and their mozdoors have no shame...
Under IR they've been sending Iranian girls and boys to Dubbai
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Wed Jun 15, 2011 09:04 PM PDTfor years now, and recently also to Azarbayjan.
Not to mention the explosive, pathoogical growth of prostitution under the sacred auspices of Iran's eternal historical PIMPS: the mullahs.
Mashangi, didn't your ayat shaytan gave his approval for sex-change and stuff? That would make that SOB truly kinky as Shitte. Stone to death gays or lovers, but don't mess with tranies. In retrorespect Mashangi, you're a true son of that SOB, congrats.
I feel I should explain something here
by پندارنیک on Wed Jun 15, 2011 08:20 PM PDTThe ones in Tel Aviv who are at the center of the story have goolies...........
Having said that tastelessly maybe, I should also mention that the scope of this tragedy knows no national, ethnic, or religious boundary. It's simply a humanitarian issue in a global context. And that's that.
Isn't that special?
by on Wed Jun 15, 2011 07:31 PM PDTThe on-board Zionists here bitch and morn about Iranian prostitutes going abroad while given a chance will then turn girls in Iran now from the ages of 12 into prostitution under the pretext of "personal freedom act in a democratic society". isn't that special?
Got to pay attention to who these people are here and what their real intention is!