فتنه‌گران درصدد حذف ارزش‌هاي اسلامي در جامعه هستند
23-Jun-2011 (2 comments)

شهابي‌فر افزود: منحرفين امروز به نام مكتب ايراني با برپا كردن برنامه‌هاي رقص و مجالس آوازه‌خواني در صدد حذف مكتب پوياي اسلامي و جايگزين كردن مكاتب انحرافي هستند.
وي با انتقاد از نصب تنديس آريو برزن در يكي از ميادين ياسوج و حذف نام شهيدان از برخي خيابان‌ها تصريح كرد: امروز دم اسب آريو برزن را مشرف بر تمثال مبارك شهيدان كرده‌اند كه ضروري است دادستان كهگيلويه و بويراحمد دستور تخريب آن را بدهد.

recommended by Fred



How did these guys come to Run a Country?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

How did they deceitfully hide their true colors from Iranians for so long?

The problem is not the people but the cunning, crooked, inhumane mullahs of islam in Iran.

Iran has been dying for awhile, for 32 years we have been the republic of hezbollah, with a flag that doesn't even represent our Iranian heritage, but the government of an islamic god.

Isn't it time we can all go to iran and discus our views on islam freely?

For me Islam is no longer entitled to respect or protection from my views.  I want to burn the islamic flag of hezbollah in iran every year on a national holiday.

Do I have any votes?


Maryam Hojjat

These Bastards all are Anti-Iranians which

by Maryam Hojjat on

have been Claiming being SOB of ARABS.  Otherwise they would not talk against IRAN & Iraniat this way and kiss Islam Ass.