تصاویر: زندگی زنی که خانه‌اش در باد مي‌لرزد
25-Jun-2011 (4 comments)

كلمه‌ها از لاي دندان‌هاي زرد و كدرش مي‌ريزند توي باد گرمي كه در برهوت اتوبان بقايي تاب مي‌خورد، حرف‌هايش بوي فقر و اعتياد مي‌دهند، باد بوي حرف‌هايش را مي‌برد و مي‌ريزد روي سر و روي شهر اهواز.


E-Cards to Simorgh5555

by پندارنیک on

I'm not gonna translate for you, but I can tell you there is enough material here that it's worth it for  you to learn Farsi.

So far, the link shows "bad request" from my end; if that remains the case, I will delete this post. 


Anahid Hojjati

Very sad.

by Anahid Hojjati on

It is sad to read about plight of this woman. For me, Ahvaz brings up memories of visiting relatives and happy times. It was a bustling city in 1970s. I would be interested to read more about it.


The link is fixed now, S5

by پندارنیک on

It's all about poverty and wretchedness which know not ethnicity.



by Simorgh5555 on

I'm flattered that you dedicated this news blog to me. I take it this is an allegory of some sort. unforutnately the link is broken as you say. I will try and copy and paste the link tomorrow. I noticed at the end of the line there is a reference to Ahwaz. Ironic because thays where many Iranian Arabs complain of being persecuted, their land grabbed, discriminated and suffer institutional racism from the IR terror regime. Up to now I hardly heard you mention the city of Ahwaz let alone the plight of Khuzestani Arabs and the reason is clear: their persecutors are not Jewish.