Iranian accused over Christmas Island disaster to plead not guilty
The Australian / Debbie Guest
30-Jun-2011 (one comment)

AN Iranian man accused of organising the boat that smashed into rocks at Christmas Island last year will plead not guilty to a total of 89 people-smuggling charges.

Ali Khorram Heydarkhani made a brief appearance in Perth Magistrates Court this morning via video link from Haeka Prison.

He is accused of 89 people-smuggling charges relating to four boats that arrived in Australia between July last year and January this year.

Thirty-six charges relate to a boat known as SIEV 221, which broke up on the cliffs of Christmas Island on December 15, killing 50 asylum-seekers.

Today in court his lawyer Ian MacFarlane told Magistrate Pam Hogan that his client would plead not guilty to all of the charges.

No official pleas were entered and the case has been adjourned to a committal mention in September.

No application for bail has been made and Mr Heydarkhani will remain in custody. The court proceedings were explained to him through an interpreter.


Iranian accused over Christmas Island disaster to

by Simorgh5555 on

The real culprit is the Islamic Republic which makes conditions so unbearable for Iranians that they escape their Motherland in whatever means possible. 

Death to the Islamic Republic. Please support target assassinations of members of the Islamic Republic.  
