L'intervention armée en Libye a-t-elle conduit à une alliance secrète entre l'Iran et le pouvoir du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi
? C'est ce que qu'avancent désormais des milieux de renseignements
occidentaux. La République islamique, craignant les conséquences de
cette opération européenne et américaine en Afrique du Nord, aurait
élaboré un plan pour transformer la Tripolitaine et la Cyrénaïque en
bourbier pour les alliés de l'OTAN. Du moins, pour y faire durer le plus
longtemps possible la résistance des forces de Kadhafi.
L'Iran cherche à tirer profit des bouleversements dans le monde
arabe, y voyant un facteur d'affaiblissement de la position des
Occidentaux au Moyen-Orient, ainsi qu'une diversion détournant
l'attention de la communauté internationale de son programme nucléaire,
disent ces sources.
Selon cette analyse, dans une directive émise début mai, le Guide suprême iranien, Ali Khamenei,
a donné instruction à la force Al-Qods du corps des Gardiens de la
révolution (pasdarans), l'armée idéologique du régime, d'apporter une
assistance militaire au pouvoir du colonel Kadhafi dans sa guerre contre
"l'axe du >>>
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Yeah like Israel and the US are staying out?
by hass on Wed Jul 06, 2011 07:27 AM PDTIran is playing games? Not Israel or the US of course! LOL
Translation- The Game of Iran in the crisis in Libya and Syria
by IranFirst on Tue Jul 05, 2011 07:49 PM PDTThe Game of Iran in the crisis in Libya and Syria
Iran seeks to take advantage of upheavals in the Arab world, seeing a role in weakening the position of the West in the Middle East, and a diversion diverting attention from the international community over its nuclear program, say these sources.Armed intervention in Libya Has led to a secret alliance between Iran and the power of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi? This is what qu'avancent now Western intelligence circles. The Islamic Republic, fearing the consequences of European and American operations in North Africa, have developed a plan to transform Tripolitania and Cyrenaica into a quagmire for NATO allies. At least, to make it last as long as possible the resistance forces Gaddafi.
According to this analysis, a directive issued in early May, the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has instructed the Al-Quds force of the body of the Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran), the regime's ideological army, to provide military assistance of Colonel Gaddafi to power in its war against the "axis of evil US-France-United Kingdom".
The plan includes the transfer of arms, including surface-to-ground and ground-air, as well as grenade launchers, to be used against the forces of the Libyan opposition. These transfers were given to members of the al-Quds based in Algeria and Sudan, a hundred of them having entered into Libya Cyrenaica areas close to Egypt, the Western sources say.According to this version, the intelligence chief Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hosain Taeb, sent to Tripoli, the Libyan capital, a small team of senior commanders of the Revolutionary Guards, under his authority. Their mission is to advise the Libyan regime for monitoring communications and information.
The Iranians have also advised the authority of Muammar Gaddafi in his tactics of concealment of military equipment and fighters on civilian sites. The directive of the Supreme Leader said that the NATO strikes on these places would be replicated in Tripoli by "propaganda attacks, weakening the aggressors."Strategy Ali Khamenei, add these Western sources, is to "fix" as long as possible on the Western theater of Libya, with the aim of undermining their ability to respond to the repression in Syria, a major ally of the Iran in the Middle East.
The NATO intervention in Libya raised strong criticism of Russia, which, in response, blocks any UN resolution on Syria. The French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, who is visiting Moscow on 1 July, suffered the remonstrances of his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on this issue. France, highlights the fact that the actions of the Syrian regime pose a high risk of destabilizing the entire region.
The U.S. had accused, in April, the Syrian regime to seek the help of Iran in its policy of crushing the protest in the streets. Equipment of police repression and censorship of the Internet technology have been provided. June 24, the European Union (EU) has endorsed this charge, deciding to hit three penalties senior Revolutionary Guards.The EU has accused the Revolutionary Guards commander Mohammad Jaafari, the commander of the al-Quds Qassem Soleimani, and Hosain Taeb to have "assisted the Syrian regime in the repression of demonstrations."
The maneuvers regional Tehran, amid Arab revolt, have increased the antagonism between Shiite Iran and Saudi Arabia, Sunni power. Fear of Iranian ambitions drove the Gulf monarchies to intervene in March in Bahrain, to consolidate a power struggle with a Shi'ite uprising.
In Syria, Iranian support is to maintain a strategic support, the regime allaouite, of Shiite who serves as a hub for many Iranian arms transfers to foreign countries.Aid from Iran to Libya's Colonel Gaddafi, such as Western sources describe these may appear paradoxical. Of Iranian political and religious leaders have multiplied in recent months the statements of support for the Libyan opposition, while taxing the intervention of the Western neo-colonial subject. Historically, relations between Gaddafi and the regime of the mullahs have always been abhorrent. Iran holds the colonel responsible for the kidnapping and disappearance in Libya in the late 1970s, the charismatic Shiite cleric in Lebanon, Moussa Al-Sadr.
This context explains why, according to Western sources, the choice to help Muammar Gaddafi has led to dissension within the Iranian government, opposing the Supreme Leader to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was in favor of support for anti-insurgency Gaddafi. The debate was settled by Ali Khamenei and his entourage, who emphasized the clandestine nature of aid to Tripoli.Rescuing a Libyan power with which it has no affinities, Iran would demonstrate its ability to deal with nuisance Westerners, as was the case in Afghanistan where he was charged by the States United have delivered arms and explosives to the Taliban.