Flotilla II: brave activists, spineless politicians
Al Ahram

It doesn't look good. Our oh-so-moral international community, always poking its democracy-loving nose into any trouble spot that might threaten Western security (whatever that means) and always eager to mobilise its mighty weapons of war, is still reluctant to operate on the cancer it foolishly implanted into the Holy Land 63 years ago and which now menaces the world.

Instead, our heroes encourage it to grow and won't even protect the "caring services" wishing to soothe the excruciating pain suffered by the Palestinian victims.

And right now it's disappointing to find that the Free Gaza Flotilla's new international media office in London is not up to the job. It issued its first press release this week. An accompanying note told us that "the steering committee decided it didn't want a unified media strategyâ--ê" a fatal mistake, surely, when faced with an aggressive campaign of distortion, disinformation and sabotage mounted by Israel and its massive stooge network to scupper the sailings. It also mentioned a letter to British prime minister David Cameron but didn't make the text available. And it revealed they still hadn't written to the Foreign Office. Unbelievable.

The press release announced that a boat packed with Freedom Flotilla activists had sailed along the Thames to Westminster. MP Caroline Lucas went ashore at the Houses of Parliament "to deliver a message of freedom for Palestine" and afterwards &quo... >>>

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