Armenian monuments in Iran protected by state
Pan Armenian

Armenian historical monuments on the territory of Iran are protected by the state, chairman of Armenian Cultural Foundation Samvel Karapetyan said.

Some cases of marauding took place at the Armenian cemeteries. Monuments of architecture are in due condition, they are protected by the state. Churches and cemeteries are fenced to rule out animals’ penetration to the territory, however the doors are not locked with key and everyone can visit monuments. Karapetyan considers praiseworthy that restorers do not use concrete in their works; they use lime.

The chairman of the Foundation said St. Stepanos Nakhavka Monastery which is situated near the border with Nakhichevan is being restored presently. Iranian authorities invited Armenian specialists who are engaged in restoration works there.

A working group in Iran attended pantheon of Fidains (participants of national liberation movement), where 9 behead bodies of Fidains rest.

The specialists from the Foundation headed by Karapetyan visited Armenian historical provinces Karadag (Parspatunik), Maku (Artas), Khoy (Ger), Salmast (Zarevand) on the territory of Iran from June 10 to July 10 and studied monuments.

The chairman of the Foundation stressed that there are as many monuments of architecture on that territory as in the modern Armenia’s provinces. Totally 6000 photos have been taken and 4500 monuments were reckoned. According to Karapetyan this is just a third part of m... >>>

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