Zionists Accused Norway of anti-Semitism Before Mossad/NATO Attack. Now Iceland is The Target.
Op/Ed News / Saman Mohammadi

Iceland was recently accused of anti-Semitism by Israel, in the same manner Norway received similar accusations from Israeli officials prior to Breivik's terrorist actions. Now, from Hull, England, a report that a heavy Icelandic statue honoring British sailors was stolen by a team of five men.

Breivik is son of former Norwegian diplomat, stepson of Norwegian military officer. The "lone wolf" has connections. And Israel's hasbara force counters charges that Mossad was behind Norway attacks -- Israel would only respond if a nerve was hit. A deep nerve was hit.

In May, Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Norwegian academic, said, "Norway is the most anti-Semitic country in the West." Herland defended the criminal terrorist Shimon Peres and the propagan... >>>

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