Israel and the Norway terror attacks
Israel Today

When a mad nationalist Norwegian terrorist killed 93 of his countrymen (many of them children) in two separate terrorist attacks in Oslo last week, many set out to find a connection to Israel. No sense wasting such a tremendous opportunity to further smear the Jewish state and its supporters.

As with all such efforts to demonize Israel and especially its Christian friends, the detractors found what they were looking for, even if their conclusions required perverting reality.

The first connection came when it was revealed that the youth attending a summer camp hosted by Norway's ruling Labour Party on the island of Utoya had actually discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict two days prior to the attack.

During a sit-down with Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Stoere, the youths had demanded that their government boycott the Jewish state. Photos of the event later featured in newspapers around the world showed several of the youths holding banners that read "Boycott Israel."

[Ed. Note - Many of these liberal voices calling for a boycott of Israel are the same that criticize Israel for practicing "collective punishment" against the Palestinians with its embargo against Gaza.]

After the killer, Anders Behring Breivik, was captured and questioned, the media almost gleefully reported that he is a right-wing Christian fundamentalist. What's more, he had reportedly authored a massive online manifesto that... >>>

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