Norwegian Ambassador: The Oslo Attacks And Palestinian Terrorism Are 'Different'
American Thinker
I've long been aware that Norway is one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe, but this is a rather unique bit of supremely ugly hypocrisy.

In an

interview with the Israeli daily Maariv, Norway's ambassador to Israel Svein Sevje patiently explained that he wanted to "outline the similarity and the difference in the two cases."

Palestinians, the ambassador told Maariv, "are doing this because of a defined goal that is related to the Israeli occupation. There are elements of revenge against Israel and hatred of Israel. To this you can add the religious element to their actions."

"In the case of the terror attack in Norway, the murderer had an ideology that says that Norway, particularly the Labor Party, is forgoing Norwegian culture," Sevje said, referring to Anders Breivik.

"We Norwegians consider the occupation to be the cause of the terror against Israel," he said. "Those who believe this will not change their mind because of the attack in Oslo."

This came after Israel was one of the first countries to reach out to Norway after the attacks and offer its condolences and assistance.

Norway, by the way, actively engages with Hamas, an organization that openly preaches genocide against Jews ... >>>

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