Israel Must Exert its Power / Victor Sharpe
27-Aug-2011 (2 comments)

If Israel, heaven forbid, should ever succumb to the relentless and
genocidal evil that is the Arab and Islamic world, cheered on by the
despicable and terminally misguided Amen chorus from much of the morally
degraded West, then the world as we know it will forever end and a new
and terrible dark age will descend.

recommended by پندارنیک



Sad times.......

by پندارنیک on

.........I'm in no mood for solving the global problems right now. JJ, for some reasons totally unknown to me, has just unfeatured one of my blogs in Farsi, about Reza joon, MKO, and John Bolton.........Pffffttttttttt

"It shouldn't have been featured in the first place". Is that what you said?


"Israel Must Exert its Power"

by Simorgh5555 on

"Israel Must Exert its Power"

Yes it must. For its own survival and to make amends for its covert support of the Islamic Republic (Iran Gate, Ofer Affair) and acting as its commodity broker through its agent Marc Rich. No more games Israel. No more appeasement of terror Obama. The intolerable suffering of Iranians must come to an end. The support of Hamas and Hezbollah terror must end now. 

Diplomacy has failed.  

Military action against the IR is the only solution.

To Mossad , 

I have a full list of people inside the IR that are just begging to be target assassinated.  They've been asking to be put of of their misery for years now and this is the most humane thing to do: 


It comes in three volumes. Mossad can keep my list free of charge! Once the people in the first list is eliminated Mossad is welcome to my second and third.

Happy Times!