American actor Sean Penn joins thousands of Egyptian protesters in Tahrir Square
Haaretz / Reuters
02-Oct-2011 (one comment)

U.S. actor Sean Penn joined thousands of Egyptian activists who packed downtown Cairo on Friday demanding that military rulers speed up the transfer of power to civilians and end emergency laws once used by Hosni Mubarak against his opponents.

Penn, holding an Egyptian flag, walked with Egyptian actor Khaled el-Nabawi in Tahrir Square, where Egyptians demonstrated in what they dubbed as "Reclaiming the Revolution" day amid growing discontent over the way military rulers had managed the transitional period.

The world is inspired by the call for freedom by the courageous revolution of Egypt for its freedom," Penn said in remarks carried by Al-Ahram newspaper's online page. "Clearly that is not a completion overnight, there are still struggles forward, there are constitutional issues, there is… a transition of power from the military to the people," he added.



Why didn't Sean join Green protesters?

by Simorgh5555 on

I like Penn as an actor but I remember his only too well hobnobing with Rafsanjani in Iran a few years back. He isgned the petititon demanding director Jaffar Panahi to be freed but where was his vocal support for the Iranians during the uprisings of 2009? Penn does not mince his words to condemn and insult George Bush, the Presdient of his own country but like all Left-wing liberal types he mulls his criticisms of the 'enemy'. Bush is bad so Ahmadinejad has to be 'understood' and people have to understand Iran is a 'complex country'. Hostage taking, maiming, mutilating, raping, stealing "is not justified" but have to "understand Iran". 

Its like that rubbish piece in the Guardian recently: //


Hostage taking in Iran: the pawns in a battle against US imperialism

No Hostage taking is because the regime is an evil terrorist entity which couldn't care less about Iranian lives let alone American ones.  

