Eight limbed boy celebrating after surgery to remove parasitic twin
Patent Dish / Parent Dish
06-Oct-2011 (3 comments)

These incredible pictures show the remarkable work of surgeons who removed a parasitic twin from a boy dubbed, 'The Eight-Limbed Boy'.

Deepak Paswaan was taunted and called a 'devil' and 'freak' as he was born with a parasitic twin jutting from his stomach.

Born in Bihar, India, Deepak spent his young life carrying around the under-developed legs and arms of what would have been his twin in a normal pregnancy.

But last summer, top doctors at the Fortis Hospital Bangalore agreed to operate on Deepak for free, as his parents, Indu and Veeresh, couldn't afford the whopping £50,000 it would have cost.

A team of six surgeons first cut away the extra limbs and then spent the final two hours sealing off the blood vessels Deepak shared with his twin.


Parasitic Twin story on TV Show

by Simorgh5555 on

When you see these extradordinary pictures of six year old Deepak and his horrific ordeal you can't help but feel your own problems pale in comparison. 

This is an extradordinary documentary if you happen to be in the UK so please see it.

Deepak's ordeal is similar to our own Laleh and Ladan Bijani but unlike them he has been successfully separated from his twin.



Well done Deepak 



Pendar jan

by Simorgh5555 on

True, True but then again the culprits in the link you forwarded do not seem to be horrible imperial westerners but Indians themselves. 

Greed, murder and desecrating of the earth knows no boundaries.  



by پندارنیک on