Photos: Facebook curly-hair community gather in Tehran's park
Peyvand News,Com / Peyvand News
29-Oct-2011 (2 comments)

MooFerferia (curly-hair in Persian) Facebook community has about 8000 members worldwide,  and for the first time gathered in Tehran’s Nation Park in January 2011 for a few hours before they were asked to leave by park police.

There are still ongoing debates to find out if curly hair cools or heats the brain better than straight hair!


Moo Ferferi Iranians in Parke Melat!

by Simorgh5555 on

Coooooooooool but some of those look like Afros. Ha Ha 



Where is Jahanshah in this

by Simorgh5555 on

Where is Jahanshah in this gathering? ;)